According to Arthurian legend, the great wizard Merlin prophesied that only the true king of England would be able to pull ...
This time around, they found something more mighty: a big honking sword from the Middle Ages ... Archaeologists Discover Enormous Iron Age ‘Weapon Sacrifice’ Near Danish Motorway Details ...
One can imagine that a sword large enough that it required two hands to swing about in battle could get rather tedious to lug around medieval-era Poland. As such, one could also understand some ...
This rare find provides valuable insights into early Medieval burial practices. This incredibly rare sword, excavated from ... where you find things like iron spear-points and seaxes, which ...
Amateur detectorists found a cache of medieval weaponry near the village of Wielka Tymawa in Poland. They discovered a two-handed sword, or rather a hand-and-a-half sword, and two axe heads from ...
NARA--Researchers have unearthed a shield-shaped bronze mirror and massive iron sword in an ancient kofun burial mound here, unprecedented discoveries of their kind in Japan. The unusually ...