From a vast opencast area where white pegmatites are mined, to the conveyors that feed the material into machines that rigorously sort it, Rukaragata mine in Ngororero District in Western Province ...
An illegal mechanised gem mining operation is taking place on a private land, located on the border of Sannan Dola, near the ...
On March 6, 2025, Shri Amitava Mukherjee was appointed as Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) on the Board of NMDC Limited. He ...
Kavango is prospecting for rare earths, iron-ore, copper and gold in Southern Africa, with the aim of developing both openpit and underground mines through modern mechanised mining. Kavango has ...
It is a busy Monday at Nyakabingo Mine in Rulindo District as over 2,000 workers engage in various roles, from office duties to mechanised underground mining in search of wolframite, the host ...
It was one of two adopted by the Council that transform already-granted "semi-mechanised" mining permits into permits for small-scale mining: the other permit is for a small-scale copper mine awarded ...
The Rambuka Ganga, a major tributary of Kukule Ganga, ultimately feeds Kalu Ganga. This mechanised mining process is releasing vast amounts of silt into the waterway system, endangering numerous ...