Another iconic bridge in Ljubljana, The Dragon Bridge has a big green, copper dragon on each of its 4 corners, plus griffins on lampposts in the middle of the bridge. Butcher’s Bridge (Mesarski ...
The capital and largest city in Slovenia, Ljubljana, pronounced LOO-BLEE-AH-NUH, is affectionately known as the City of Dragons. The dragon is, in fact, the city’s official symbol, representing ...
NBA stars gathered in Ljubljana, Slovia for 'Night of the Dragon' -- a farewell game for Goran Dragic that also served as charity fundraiser.
Even Ljubljana’s iconic dragons, that stand guard on the Dragon bridge, are striking green. So it’s fitting that the city was awarded European Green Capital for 2016 by the European Commission.
Navijaška skupina je v čast 35-letnici delovanja pripravila tradicionalno baklado. Podjetje Javna razsvetljava Ljubljana je po navodilu MOL-a ugasnila vse luči v središču mesta. Navijači so se zbrali ...