Even mild cases can impact milk production, health and well-being. Researchers, citing expenses and losses farmers incur from ...
Lameness is one of the main symptoms of navicular in horses and both front feet are usually affected, which can make it ...
It’s spring! The weather is warming and the trails are calling, but you’ve got the “pudgy pony blues.” ...
multifidus has been identified in cases of back pathology and in horses with forelimb lameness. Ultrasound images of the m.
Devis, a native of Colombia where he attended veterinary school, has interests in follow-up surgical care, the developing equine athlete, lameness, sales work and sport horse care. Drs.
These innovations improve lameness assessments and performance diagnostics, driving advancements in the market for equine imaging services. In addition, the expansion of key players in equine ...
Dr Johanna Kremberg of Grand Prix Equine, a veterinary practice operating out of Newtown, New York, and Florida, gave an ...