RELATED: NEWS9 Special Assignment: The other 'E' NEWS9’s Jaime Ely toured POET’S Marion Ethanol Production Plant to find out ... on using the entire kernel of corn. "The benefit of it is ...
The U.S. has more than 200 biofuel plants, and most use the corn kernel to make ethanol. A few other cellulosic ethanol refineries have opened across the U.S., but those in Kansas and Mississippi ...
Figure 1. The moisture concentration of whole plant corn relative to kernel development and suitability for ensiling. There is a direct relationship between the moisture content of the silage and the ...
The Emergency Commodity Assistance Program will pay farmers a flat rate by acreage for eligible commodities like wheat, corn, ...
Water when the cobs start to form and the silks appear on the ears of corn. At this time it ... the male flowers at the top of the plant lands on all the female silks in the cobs below and helps to ...
In findings recently published online ahead of the March issue of Plant Stress, the researchers reported that corn earworm larvae feeding on the silks, husks and kernels of corn lines containing ...
If corn was ever jealous of soybean’s relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, advancements in gene editing could one day ...
More research is needed before plant breeders could be expected to try developing flavonoid-producing corn lines that also protect against other insects for organic farmers, Chopra noted.