A good grasp of chopstick etiquette will earn you points at the dinner table. MY son and I were dining with some relatives and friends in Malaysia recently, when Ken was asked if he knew how to ...
SEE ALSO: Why Asian 7-Eleven stores are a food lover's dream For instance, in Japan people don't stick their chopsticks straight up in a bowl of Japanese oyako don. In Thai cultures chopsticks ...
I've gotta be honest here: I knew that chopsticks were popular in Japan, but I had no idea to what extent they are consumed. Really, really, quickly. Our friendly neighborhood sister site ...
Arguments have raged for years in Japan about the merits of disposable wooden chopsticks, a mainstay of restaurants and ready-made boxed bento meals sold in convenience stores and supermarkets.
Electrified chopsticks that change the taste of food extended the winning streak of Japanese researchers for a satiric Ig Nobel Prize to 17 straight years. Hiromi Nakamura, a project associate ...
The taste-enhancing chopsticks may have particular relevance in Japan. [Reuters] The taste-enhancing chopsticks may have particular relevance in Japan, where the traditional diet favours salty tastes.