Hampton Roads was the first time in military history that two ironclad warships squared off. March 8-9, 2025, marked the ...
The Philadelphia Press gives these particulars of the iron-clad frigate in course of construction in that city: "Our Kensington frigate is to be 3,500 tons burden. Her armament, we believe ...
We cannot tell how soon a European iron-clad frigate may thunder at our gates. Is it wise, then, to withhold $750,000 to finish this great engine of defence, when $15,000,000 is not too much for ...
Russian state-owned defense analysts estimate that current arms sales from Russia total around $13.75 billion currently and ...
Long-range anti-aircraft missiles will be launched from cells of the 3S14 versatile shipborne launching system installed on the Project’s frigates MOSOW, February 3. /TASS/. Upgraded Project ...
This vessel started off in 1855 as a United States (Union) Navy wooden steam frigate bearing the name ... rebuilding it as a casemate ironclad ram—co-designed by then-Lieutenants John Mercer ...