Babbage's next idea is the Analytical Engine - a mechanical computer that can solve any mathematical problem. It uses punch-cards similar to those used by the Jacquard loom and can perform simple ...
Doug Engelbart demonstrates in 1968 a word processor, an early hypertext system and a collaborative application: three now common computer applications. Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce found Intel ...
Computers have become sleeker and faster since the early days of ENIAC. Track the history of computing power from 1946 to the present.
The personal computer industry began in 1977, when Apple, Radio Shack and Commodore introduced off-the-shelf computers as consumer products. Known as the "1977 Trinity," the Apple II, Radio Shack ...
WikiTimeline is a free website that uses a large language model to turn any Wikipedia article into a visual timeline you can ...
Then, during World War II, HP made radar and artillery technology. At this point, computers were about the size of a room. In the 1940s, William Shockley coinvented the transistor while at Bell Labs.
(The Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA) The home of the largest collection of computer artifacts in the world, which includes thousands of hardware components, images, films and videos.