After identifying the labral tear (and any other injuries), they can perform hip labrum surgery to repair the problem. They keep the arthroscope in the joint and insert surgical instruments ...
This week we are going to discuss a condition that is sometimes missed on a clinical exam but is very important to identify in order to prescribe proper treatment—the labral tear of the hip.
Detroit Tigers outfielder Akil Baddoo wasn't projected to make the Opening Day roster after being removed from the 40-man ...
The Tigers open the regular season March 27 at the Los Angeles Dodgers. • Shortstop Javier Báez (right hip labral repair) is completing full hitting and defensive drills, but needs to compete a return ...
Athletes treated with a combined approach generally return to sport around the same time as a patient with an isolated hip arthroscopy with osteoplasty and labral repair. Groin pain in ...
He suffered a gruesome Achilles injury back in 2016 and was limited to three games in 2020-21 because of a hip arthroscopy, labral repair and a knee scope. But he’s bounced back many times ...
Shortstop Javier Báez (right hip labral repair) will participate in his next base-running drill Saturday or Sunday after completing a modified base-running drill Wednesday. The 32-year-old has ...