The Omiltemi cottontail rabbit stands out because of its short stature and fur color compared to other rabbits in the area. Surprisingly this species has a short and black tail, not fluffy white ...
The snowshoe hare requires 300g (10.6 oz) of browse per day, and uses the two pairs of upper incisors to cleanly sever the twigs, buds, and bark of woody vegetation during the winter. It prefers small ...
Nutria, an invasive species, has caused erosion and loss of habitat in California and approximately 19 other states Getty A new source of sustenance has been added to the California diet.
“Raising Hare,” was an unexpected experiment in coexistence. The book is part of a timely genre: true stories about people ...
BOISE, Idaho— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced that the pygmy rabbit may warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act. The pygmy rabbit is the world’s smallest rabbit and is ...