The Great Hunger was a modern event, shaped by the belief that the poor are the authors of their own misery and that the ...
Blame matters,” writes Padraic X Scanlan in his new book, Rot: A History of the Irish Famine. “The suffering of so many ...
It is about this time each year when my thoughts wander back to the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations I have enjoyed in the past ...
By 1845, one-third of U.K. residents lived in Ireland and nearly all of them relied on a single potato strain—a disaster ...
In fact, potato dependence was an adaptation to a ... For many descendants of Irish emigrants, the Great Famine is the anchor for a common – if often distant and attenuated – identity ...
Also referred to as "The Great Hunger", the Famine, which was caused by a potato blight, lasted between 1845 and 1849, decimating Ireland's population and resulting in emigration on an ...
However, the famine worsened when the potato harvest failed again in 1846 ... Some people emigrated to Great Britain and Australia, but most emigrated to America. Image caption, Many Irish people ...