To achieve this goal, the scientists suggested using graphene, the MIPT’s press service said. Plasmon is a quasi-particle which is a "mixture" of oscillating electrons and coupled ...
Now, researchers have developed an improved gas-sensing technology by treating graphene sheets with plasma under different conditions, creating structural and chemical defects that enhance ammonia ...
More information: Ziyun Wang et al, Suppressed Nonreciprocal Second-Harmonic Generation of Antiferromagnet MnPSe₃ in the MnPSe₃/Graphene Heterostructure Due to Interfacial Magnon–Plasmon ...
antiferromagnetic MnPSe₃/graphene heterojunction. The research, published in Nano Letters, highlights the role of interfacial magnon-plasmon coupling in this phenomenon. 2D van der Waals ...
(Image: Empa) Graphene nanoribbons are narrow strips of graphene ... Metal nanoribbons can support localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs), enabling enhanced light-matter interactions and ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Plasma treatment of graphene sheets with different gases enhances their sensitivity to ammonia (NH 3).The treatment introduces defects that improve NH 3 binding ...