The more mosquitoes there are, the longer they stay active, and which species they bite all matters. With Florida under ...
Giant South American lizards are taking over Florida — just one of the latest in a slew of invasive species that have colonized the Sunshine State. Photo by Robbin Cresswell Argentine black and ...
Invasive Tegus eat vulnerable species like the American crocodile, Key Largo woodrat and juvenile gopher tortoises ...
South Florida is on high alert following the sighting of a new reptilian invader: the giant lizard known as the black and ...
In 2012, a very unusual leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) was born at a Florida breeding firm called Gourmet Rodent. It looked as if it had been rolled in yellow dye; its usual black spots were ...
A team of researchers in Oman decided to take on a “long-standing” challenge: classifying some “extremely abundant” and similar-looking geckos found all across the country’s Hajar ...
The colorful head of the Peter’s rock agama, which has spread across Florida, sets it apart from native lizards. It can range from red to orange. The researchers are still waiting for results ...