In this video, we meet a tabby cat who is also deeply confused by the behavior of a fungus he comes across on his walk.
K. Suetsugu & M. Sueyoshi, “Subterranean flowers of Apsidistra eliator are mainly pollinated by not terrestrial amphipods but fungus gnats,” Ecology, doi:10.1002/ecy.2021, 2017.
The RHS Chelsea Flower Show’s plant of the year award has included a mushroom in its shortlist for the first time, despite it being a fungi rather than a plant.
Good dried mushrooms have large, thick caps that need time to hydrate fully, or else you will have a hard, dry part in the centre. If you can afford them, buy dried "flower mushrooms" - a type of ...
The most premium shiitake mushrooms are called white flower shiitake, and the forest-grown versions can sell for over $160 a pound. White flower shiitakes have noticeable white cracks on the caps ...
The Agaricus julius reigns supreme as the mushroom has been crowned Colorado’s official state mushroom.
Flowers will be followed by pups that can be separated off to create new plants. TAMMY: It’s perfectly normal for mushrooms to appear in garden beds and pots, as a healthy soil is full of ...
With a lack of heavy rainfall leading up to morel season, it's likely morels will be harder to find this year. Here's what to know before the hunt.