What is a Bose-Einstein Condensate? A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is an exotic state of matter that forms when a dilute gas of bosonic particles is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute ...
Microsoft has developed the world’s first quantum computing chip called Majorana 1. The company says quantum computers are now just years away, not decades.
This was achieved by using a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), a peculiar quantum state of matter that allows light to be slowed or even stopped entirely. This discovery, which builds on decades of ...
Slow-light effects in ultracold atom clouds known as Bose–Einstein ... Once it is in matter form, the pulse is easily manipulated — 'sculpted' by laser fields for example — and when it ...
But scientists can artificially transform substances that occur naturally in only one or two forms of matter into other forms—for example ... morph into different states of matter.
Developing quantum technologies sensitive at these scales might also help answer other big questions, such as the nature of dark energy and dark matter ... states that might present advantages. I will ...