Erythema means reddening of the skin due to inflammation which is usually a result of accumulation of cells of the immune system and chemicals these cells release. There can be many reasons for the ...
A 26-year-old woman with an uneventful family medical history presented for evaluation and treatment of a facial dermatosis of 6 years duration. Examination revealed an intense erythema ...
Erythema means reddening of the skin due to inflammation which is usually a result of accumulation of cells of the immune system and chemicals these cells release. There can be many reasons for the ...
Officially called erythema ab igne (EAI), this condition manifests as a mottled, discolored pattern on the skin due to prolonged exposure to heat sources, such as heating pads, electric blankets ...
Pityriasis rosea in children may present atypically by involving the face and extremities. Erythema multiforme is often triggered by herpes simplex virus in children. Unilateral laterothoracic ...
and erythema multiforme or erythema nodosum in 30 persons. This paper will present evidence that the skin lesions were related to primary infection with Histoplasma capsulatum. A detailed ...
Patients with rosacea and skin of color are more likely to have severe disease phenotypes when compared with White patients with rosacea.
This common skin condition causes dry, inflamed patches of skin that involve itchiness and erythema. Erythema is when the skin becomes red or discolored. AD occurs when your skin’s outer layer ...