I am the one at loss and now penalized." Equine Infectious Anemia is a bloodborne disease that can be transmitted via bites ...
Looking to adopt a wild burro or wild horse? Burro Palooza might be the thing for you. The local installment of Burro Palooza ...
Lexington, KY – With a view overlooking the massive renovation of the Keeneland paddock, professional equine investigators soaked up the latest techniques in the trade and engaged some of the most ...
Those regulations include: Intrastate equine infectious anemia testing requirements for equine, changes to import certificate of veterinary inspection or CVI requirements for livestock imported ...
Six horses in Texas recently tested positive for equine infectious anemia (EIA), including two horses in Burleson County, one horse in Johnson County, two horses in Atascosa County, and one horse in ...