Elena Kagan has worked on free-speech and free-press issues more than any recent high court nominee, but her writings tend to explore the underpinnings of current doctrines and standards, rather than ...
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Wednesday overrode Justice Elena Kagan in a high-profile First Amendment case involving COVID-19 regulations, basketball legend John Stockton, and putative ...
As Brad Watson has discussed (and written about much more extensively in his book Living Constitution, Dying Faith), it’s not news that the progressive intellectual elite, of which Kagan is a ...
The Washington Post’s Eva Rodriguez, in “Elena Kagan and ‘Stupid Liberals,’” nicely captures Kagan’s thesis: [Kagan] lambastes the liberal Warren Court of the 1950s and 1960s, but not ...
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan said her ... for Chinese food on Christmas. Kagan, the U.S. solicitor general tapped by President Obama for the high court, has come under fire from ...