Flush with revenue from new and ongoing casinos in the Sacramento region, local tribes are putting dollars back into their ...
A prime piece of Sacramento real estate that has sat empty for over ... located near the Tribe’s original village of Pusúune in downtown Sacramento. The land is part of the foundation of ...
The real estate lost value, and in 2012 was purchased by JMA Ventures for $21 million. The Sacramento Kings stadium was completed in 2016, and nowadays many of the tenants within the Downtown ...
The university and Capital Public Radio stopped paying rent last year despite the building lease running until at least 2036.
The address for the buyer corresponds to real estate investment firm Synergize Ventures, based in the Bay Area. A man who answered a phone number for Joseph Huang listed on the company's website said ...
United Auburn Indian Community (UAIC), which operates Thunder Valley Casino Resort, acquired 300 Capitol Mall (Emerald Tower) ...