Marriage, in its essence, should be about companionship—about choosing to walk through life together, side by side. But in many Indian relationships, it feels less like a choice and more like a script ...
Align Dharma and Karma Balance your responsibilities (dharma) with purposeful action (karma). Let one guide the other, ensuring harmony in both thought and deed.
After serving his sentence, Shiva vows to avenge this humiliation, and assumes the guise of a bearded male and calls himself Karma. He gets to meet Dharma (Dharmendra), another young man ...
Moksha Freedom from samsara so that the atman joins up with Brahman Gaining good karma by being morally good so as to try to break free from the cycle of rebirth. Aim Dharma Meaning The duty a ...
If a Hindu follows their personal dharma and the dharma within Hinduism ... Doing things with humility is one way for Hindus to gain good karma and therefore achieve moksha.