Undoubtedly one of the most adorable, social, and beautiful animals in the sea world are the Dolphins. They smile, bond, have ...
Named for its ear-like fins, the dumbo octopus gracefully glides through deep waters, making it one of the cutest sea creatures. Sporting the largest teeth relative to body size, the fangtooth ...
From those on last, in the sky and in the sea, you'll find all kinds of cute creatures to color for hours of relaxing fun.
Is this the cutest sea creature ever? Keen diver Yusuke Fukami fulfilled a personal dream by snapping a cartoon-like Costasiella sea slug while in Bali. He says: “One of the diving points was in ...
How cute critters can inspire kids to protect the ocean. How sea otters help protect undersea meadows How sea otters help protect undersea meadows Massive marine die-off in Russia could threaten ...