Related: The 12 Best Pruning Shears to Keep Your Garden in Check 1. During drought. Pruning triggers plants to produce new growth. Ample moisture is needed to fully form new leaves and stems.
Cutting back flowering perennials, annuals and bedding plants can help to improve and prolong flowering and the shape of a plant. It’s not just trees and shrubs that need pruning. Flowering ...
Coleus are popular plants to bring stunning pops of color to any space during summer. Loved for bright foliage in a rainbow ...
The best way to rejuvenate these plants is to cut them back during the dormant season. First cut out dead, diseased and crossing stems, and then thin the number of remaining stems by half.
Summer is not far off, with plenty of warm weather ahead, so plan now so you know what flowers to grow so you can cut and bring indoors to enjoy. Growing cut flowers is easy and won’t require ...