Eggshells are a super useful kitchen scrap that are often simply thrown in the compost - but they can be used to transform ...
EGGS are one of the most popular breakfast foods in the UK, with countless omelettes and pancakes made every morning across the country. After making your poached, fried or scrambled delicacy, the ...
But there's quite a marked difference between using crushed versus blended eggshells in your garden. While crushed eggshells are perfect for deterring pests such as snails and slugs, they won't ...
Eggshell tea is another effective way to provide calcium to your plants. To make this tea, boil crushed shells in water and ...
Gardening expert LeAnne Samuelson revealed how to make her homemade fertiliser, which will help roses produce "more blooms".
The soft pads of cats’ paws are quite sensitive and they dislike rough, sharp and uncomfortable surfaces. Sprinkling broken eggshells on your flower beds can help stop cats from using them as a toilet ...
She said: "My favourite amendment to lighten soil is simply dried and crushed eggshells. I like using Perlite, but it's very dusty and of course you have to buy it," reports the Express.
You can also use eggshells to protect your plants from slugs and snails, as if you place crushed up eggshells on your soil, the sharp edges will scare the pests off. Placing eggshells in the ...