A field agronomist in eastern Missouri says farmers should be monitoring soybeans for red crown rot, a new soil-borne fungal disease in the state. “About the time you’re spraying fungicide is probably ...
Syngenta's seed treatment to counter crown rot is available ahead of the winter cereal planting window, and is seen as a ...
Soybean growers in the Midwest face a new challenge with red crown rot, a yield-threatening disease that is on the rise. With no effective in-season treatments currently available, growers are ...
A new seed treatment that promises to reduce the incidence of the yield-robbing disease crown rot in wheat and barley could ...
Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert ...
In some home gardens, rhubarb is a tell-tale sign of spring. Once established, the bright pink stalks come into season in ...
Following reports of high disease outbreaks last year, the World Meteorological Organization is predicting a 60% chance of La ...
Farmers across the nation will have access to a new seed treatment prior to sowing this year with the Australian Pesticides ...
Farmers across the nation will have access to a new seed treatment prior to sowing this year with the Australian Pesticides ...