How to prune crape myrtle is always a popular subject whenever I make a presentation about pruning trees. The discussion always centers around how far back you should prune them. Unfortunately ...
Time outdoors is always a pleasure. One of my personal favorite tasks in getting ready for spring is pruning trees and shrubs. Crepe Myrtles are small, multi-trunked trees that too many gardeners ...
Answer: Pruning crape myrtles is always a hot topic ... Many gardeners do nothing but remove suckers from the base of the shrub or tree forms and entangled branches or limbs that may affect ...
By Amy-Lynn Albertson N.C. Cooperative Extension Crape myrtles are cherished for their eye-catching blooms and elegant shapes ...
Pruning is essential for attractive, healthy trees and shrubs and improves the quality of flowers, fruit and foliage. The ...
Timing is key when it comes to pruning flowering and fruiting plants. Randy Forst, extension educator for consumer ...
Many people think it is necessary to prune crapemyrtles each year. It is not, the less pruning the better. The only time you ...
Pruning your crepe myrtles too early can actually have a couple ... Gardeners often think this is what the tree needs and, because it rarely hurts the plant, they keep doing it.