In an increasingly competitive job market, activities that provide any kind of “advantage” are highly sought after. And what ...
New York City high school parents are calling on the Public School Athletic League to recognize chess as a sport and offer it ...
A gambit is the sacrifice of a chess piece for an advantage. The Queen’s Gambit is White’s chess opening that sacrifices the c-pawn, in front of the Queen’s Bishop, in exchange for a ...
Success in strategic games isn’t just about making moves – it’s about making the right moves. Whether playing chess or ...
The first folding chessboard was created in 1125 by a priest who enjoyed playing chess (5). While there are several benefits of playing chess, not all children enjoy it. If your children love the ...
These newer models appear more likely to indulge in rule-bending behaviors than previous generations—and there’s no way to ...
The Citywide Council on High Schools is pushing for the Public School Athletic League to recognize the game, according to a recent report.
“In an age of computer digital games, we saw that chess had its benefits in helping the younger generation with social interaction and network building,” said Farhan. The estimated cost of the ...