This technology involves reintroducing the expression ... cancer cells. By creating a digital twin of the gene network within the cells, they identified key molecular switches that induce normal ...
DNA methylation is one of several epigenetic mechanisms that cells use to control gene expression ... different tissue types and between normal cells and cancer cells from the same tissue.
By assessing how “sticky” tumor cells are, researchers at the University of California San Diego have found a potential way ...
Neuroblastoma is a solid tumor that occurs in children. When high-risk, the disease has a poor prognosis. Decades ago, adding ...
A new computational tool allows researchers to understand how the diverse cell types of the human body are made during ...
Gutkind says the next step is to use the same technologies to understand what leads to the progression of normal stem cells to cancer stem cells in HPV-negative oral cancers, which are most common ...
A team of researchers from China integrated six publicly published single-cell RNA sequencing datasets with 149 lung cancer patient tissue samples—including lung cancer, normal tissues adjacent ...
Gene expression ... model using data from normal tissue, instead of diseased human cells. The GET algorithm learned features relevant to predicting gene expression from the massive amounts of ...
Researchers propose that CNDP2-mediated cooperation can be an effective and specific target for cancer treatment.
The increasingly popular AI known as ChatGPT works much the same way; while the chatbot generates the next words in a sentence, scGPT predicts the expression ... on 33 million cells including brain, ...