Police services in Canada recorded a steep rise in hate crimes in 2023, with a significant amount targeting Jews, Statistics ...
Canada or the United States—has the most crime? Most Canadians would likely say the U.S. by a wide margin. But as noted in my ...
Toronto is known as a low-crime city compared to locales with similar or greater populations, but it may surprise some to ...
A confidential paper trail reveals Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada) failed to address repeated orders from ...
"The pervasiveness of car thefts in Canada is surprising given how small the country's population is compared to the U.S. and the U.K. — other countries with high rates of such crime," Alexis ...
Moncton received a dark title this week when a study found it to be one of the most violent cites in all of Atlantic Canada ...
At its core, community policing is a shifting of priority: community needs and public trust over traditional crime control ... immigrants arrived in Canada, a Statistics Canada survey reports.
THUNDER BAY — The city’s violent crime rate puts Thunder Bay in line with many American cities, according to a recent Fraser Institute report. The Canadian cities with the highest crime rates ...
As of March 2025, Winnipeg continues to face significant crime challenges. A recent study reports the city has the highest violent crime rate among Canada’s major cities, with 675 violent crimes per ...
It was peels at 8-to-8 in the tenth head as the skip stepped up to the crampit to deliver his iron. Up the ice with the soopers stood the vice-skip, Dentist Henry Hudson, his broom at the ready ...