At the time, the Democratic majority in Sacramento was pushing bill after bill mandating greater reliance on renewable energy ...
In a significant expansion of the firm’s national energy practice, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP has added Shab Puri as a partner ...
California officials want to reduce the financial credits that households with rooftop solar panels can earn for excess ...
Californians pay some of the nation’s highest electricity rates. They’re also being devastated by the consequences of fossil ...
Arevon Energy has announced the completion of a $258m financing package for its Peregrine energy storage project in San Diego ...
As the deadline for introducing new bills approaches, lawmakers have one eye on affordability but both on wildfires.
A spate of new bills in California and other states would protect consumers from electricity rate hikes that subsidize data ...
During her tenure at the DOE, former Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was accused of a number of widely reported potential ...
Arevon Energy, Inc., a leading renewable energy developer, owner, and operator, has completed financing on a $258 million ...
“CALeVIP has been an important program in deploying electric vehicle charging infrastructure ... the California Air Resources ...
PG&E estimates for every 1,000 MW of new electric demand from data centers it serves, customers may save between 1-2% on their monthly bill.
Since 2015, bills from the state’s three biggest utilities have risen between 70% and 100%, outpacing the rate of inflation.