A lawyer for Bob Menendez has asked a judge to sentence the former U.S. senator to no more than eight years in prison, ...
Bob Menendez, 71, was found guilty on all 16 counts in his federal trial, becoming the first sitting member of Congress to be ...
Former U_S_ Sen_ Bob Menendez has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for his conviction for accepting bribes of gold and ...
Federal prosecutors said earlier this month that they would seek to send the former senator to prison for the next 15 years.
NEW YORK — Former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was sentenced Wednesday to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes of gold and cash ...
Prosecutors have recommended a prison sentence of 15 years, an amount of time his lawyers call "a life and death sentence" ...
Lawyers for embattled former Garden State pol Bob Menendez urged a Manhattan federal judge to let him stay out of custody as ...
Bob Menendez and two co-defendants for a new trial after the ... U.S. District Judge Sidney Stein wrote a 14-page decision ...
Other than family, I have lost everything I ever cared about,” Menendez told the judge. “For someone who spent his entire ...
Prosecutors had recommended 15 years, which his lawyers called "a life and death sentence" for the 71-year-old New Jersey ...
The decision capped the New Jersey lawmaker’s extraordinary downfall after a half-century political career.
Former Sen. Bob Menendez on Wednesday was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison after a jury found him guilty on 16 counts ...