As part of its successful range expansion programme, WWF will translocate an additional 20 black rhinoceros to new landscapes in 2011, according to an agreement with a South African wildlife agency.
World Wildlife Day is on 3 March, which celebrates the importance of animals and plants in the wild and the benefits wildlife ...
South Africa’s black rhino population received a boost this week with the announcement of a multi-million rand partnership between WWF and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, one of Africa’s most successful rhino ...
Between 1960 and 1995, black rhino populations suffered dramatic losses ... The number of wild African forest elephants is unknown, but WWF said the species has declined by 86% over 31 years.
They are different not in color but in lip shape. The black rhino has a pointed upper lip, while its white relative has a squared lip. The difference in lip shape is related to the animals' diets.
Rhinos, which are among ... on population size estimates from the WWF: Others on the critically endangered list include the ...
Martin Mulama / WWF He was known as the Last Male Standing ... of poaching because of an insatiable demand for their horns on the black market. It's thought that an average of three rhinos are lost to ...