covering all of the best travel products, from luggage to outdoor gear. She has been a travel writer, editor, and product tester for over five years.
As someone who hasn’t checked a bag in more than five years of travel across the U.S. and abroad, I’ve thought a lot about what makes a good piece of carry-on luggage. A summertime European ...
While a well-packed carry-on can get you far, the best checked luggage provides ample packing space for long-haul trips.
The best crossbody bags for travel are roomy and secure enough to store everyday essentials without weighing you down. Here ...
To make it easier to find your perfect travel companion, U.S. News compiled this list of the best luggage brands for carry-ons, checked luggage, weekender bags, backpacks and more. Based on ...
However, this luggage seems best for destination travel, when you pack up once and unpack once. Living out of a trunk requires more layers of packing and unpacking. So using trunk luggage across ...
my trusty spinner suitcase makes travel so much easier. It’s helpful for keeping me organized once I arrive at my destination, too. Unlike most backpacks or duffels, the best rolling luggage has ...
Planning to travel international and need new luggage for the trip? Here is a list of the best luggage for international travel.
Parade aims to feature only the best products ... Emmy-winning travel host of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi on PBS, for her favorite carry-on luggage for women over 50 and other handy bags ...