The San Diego Zoo is celebrating the birth of its newest addition to the sloth family. It is the third baby for Xena, a ...
The Zoo welcomed the birth of a sloth pup in early February, making it the first of its species to be born there since 2022.
Click here to get the cutest pet news and photos delivered directly to ... In the clip, you can see the mother sloth eagerly hug her baby to her body before they both take off (slowly) into ...
Costa Rica's Jaguar Rescue Center made sure to get a baby sloth back to its mother using a tested technique the wildlife center created Rescuers reunited a baby sloth with its mother after the ...
The pup was born to 12-year-old Xena, who has two other children, Tornero and Colheita. The baby sloth will spend a lot of time with its mother over the next few months as the unnamed pup gets ...
That makes spotting a baby difficult because the pouch is located on the mom’s tummy area where humans have a belly button. If you want to see the koalas, they’re not far from the sloth bear ...