Some folks never even consider the level of tint on their car windows – but for one North Dakota resident, it’s a very ...
Mirror windshield tint looks cool, but at night? Not so much. Here's why it's a bad idea for nighttime driving!
You've probably noticed the subtle tinted strip along your car's windshield and wondered ... As well as serving as a reference point for window tint, the AS1 marking on a windshield indicates ...
The bill would allow darker side windows in vehicles, changing the limit of light let through from 50% to 35%.
A car buff to the core, he owns a 1964 El Camino, a 2006 souped-up SUV Forester and a Ford F150. His dream car is either a ...
Question : I nearly got hit by a car on Kapiolani Boulevard by the mall ... VLT refers to the percentage of light that can pass through the window tint. These factors are inspected annually.