For decades, the world has kept time with the ticks of atomic clocks. But they could soon be ... to count the number of ultraviolet wave cycles that create this energy jump. This transition ...
JILA researchers are pioneering a nuclear clock using thorium-229, which offers unprecedented stability compared to atomic ...
The clock hands are set by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a group formed by Manhattan Project scientists at the University of Chicago who helped build the atomic bomb but protested using it ...
An atomic clock is a super-precise clock that uses atomic ... “Dark matter in this case acts like a wave, because its mass is very very low,” said Ashlee Caddell, one of the study authors ...
A new study investigated the mortality and mental health correlates of the iconic Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clock.
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Microcomb chips have been developed to miniaturize optical atomic clocks, potentially achieving centimeter-level GPS precision. These chips bridge the gap ...
The most accurate clocks to date rely on atomic transitions in the optical regime. On the other hand, some of the best inertial sensors employ atom interferometers, which exploit the wave nature of ...