Minor in Art Minors in art include art history, book & publication arts, ceramics, digital media, drawing, graphic design, painting, photography and videography, printmaking and sculpture. Learn more ...
Art challenges, transforms and defies containment. Ranked among the top 25 fine arts programs in the nation, the Department of Art and Art History at CU Boulder, with the support of its highly active ...
When you create, you’re showing the world how you see things. Students like you choose RIT because they recognize that combining technology, art, and design can be the key to unlocking new forms of ...
SNHU's social science majors also offer more BS degrees than the liberal arts program. What majors are in liberal arts? There are several majors in a liberal arts program, that can touch upon many ...
The Department of Art offers a diverse program of bachelor's degree instruction in both art history and studio art. The major options include painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, printmaking ...
Our students engage with the world, making works of art on campus and creating projects for community spaces. You'll work in galleries, pop-ups, and local venues, indoors and outside. As an art minor, ...