Identify the defining characteristics of major styles, historical periods, and artists in the history of art; Analyze basic methodologies of art historical investigation and apply them to their own ...
The Art History major offers a rigorous, interdisciplinary course of study that reaches deep into the past and across the world. Through small, discussion-based classes, you’ll hone your analytical, ...
Art History majors leave William & Mary with the knowledge and skills that help them land on their feet - whatever life throws at them. Our alumni have gone on to fulfilling careers in almost every ...
The undergraduate degree in art history emphasizes knowledge and awareness of the major artistic traditions of the world in a historical and theoretical context. Students explore varied methodologies, ...
This should preferably not include any work done while in high school. For the art history major student(s) selected by the Department of Art and Art History to receive funds for materials, books or ...
The art history program offers small scholarships to help cover the tuition of our majors. These are available for both new and continuing students. Any art history major is eligible to apply, with ...
Art history is an interdisciplinary major that invites you to study art through the lens that you find most instructive and interesting, whether religious, literary, anthropological, political, ...
Art history majors at Santa Clara examine the broad range of human visual expression across space and time, developing understandings of the meanings and purposes of visual and material ...