The liver is a vital organ, crucial to digestion, metabolism and the elimination of toxins. It has a unique ability, regeneration, which allows it to ...
Animal tests have demonstrated the effect of rabbit meat on improving anti-obesity and fatty liver, the Rural Development ...
HHMI researchers solve a longstanding mystery about the origin of new cells in the liver. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists have identified stem cells in the liver that give ...
Liver cells, so-called hepatocytes, make up about 60 percent of the total cell number of the organ. They have important metabolic tasks and are active in detoxification and metabolism.
Researchers from Columbia University and the German Cancer Center have found that stellate cells—star-shaped liver cells long known as the main perpetrators in liver fibrosis—have a commanding ...
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) once looked likely to avoid such attacks. However, recent studies have shown that some MSCs are more immunogenic than others. Liver-derived MSCs, such as Promethera ...
High levels of ammonia kill liver cells by damaging the mitochondria that power the cells. But this can be prevented using an existing drug due to start clinical trials, finds a new study in ...
The results lay the groundwork for animal model studies and potential ... as well as the human liver cell models used in the study. “The current standard of care (long-term treatment with ...