Poland's president claims the Biden administration "pushed" the European nation out of being a "first-tier" U.S. ally, and ...
Andrzej Duda is the president of Poland, an increasingly important economic and geopolitical force in Europe. On Tuesday, Jan ...
W wywiadzie dla "The Washington Post" Andrzej Duda przytoczył anegdoty o Donaldzie Trumpie. Przypomniał wywiad sprzed lat, kiedy Trump był pytany, jak zareagowałby na groźby ataku Rosji na ...
Andrzej Duda garnered 51.2% of the vote — the slimmest margin of victory since the fall of communist rule — with 99% of ballots counted. His challenger, Rafal Trzaskowski, the liberal mayor of ...
Polish President Andrzej Duda is urging his nation’s government to guarantee that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not be arrested if he attends a ceremony at Auschwitz.