the North American mink, a voracious predator against whom water voles have no defense. Introduced to Britain in 1929 and farmed for their fur, hundreds of mink were illegally released into the ...
Invasive American mink could kill every water vole in her valley in just a few ... opportunities for other animals to flourish. By eating a third of her body weight everyday in plants, and ...
"Charismatic" water voles have returned to local waterways ... Their population was devastated by non-native American mink, which were brought to the UK for their fur. Ecologist Eric Swithinbank ...
We still need to ensure that that we provide undisturbed riverbanks, reedbeds and ponds, and remove the non-native American mink that have devastated water vole populations, to allow their numbers ...
"This was largely due to the spread and increase in numbers of the invasive American mink which have been devastating for water vole populations nationwide. "Habitat loss and degradation also ...