There are 7 new runes for Shamans to discover in SoD Phase ... new system in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery allowing stronger and more varied playstyles to the game we all know and love.
There are 6 new runes for Priests to discover in SoD Phase ... new system in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery allowing stronger and more varied playstyles to the game we all know and love.
Engrave your bracers with the Overcharged rune: Your Lightning Shield never loses charges, now has a 1 sec cooldown, and deals damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Overcharged is a wrist rune ...
Engrave your gloves with the Haunt rune: Unleash a ghostly soul on an enemy, dealing (* 251 / 100) to (* 295 / 100) damage, and increasing all Shadow damage over time you deal to that target by 20%.