A riotous photography collection from a recent underwater mission off the coast of Chile shows new and fascinating deep-sea ...
Hydrophiinae The Pacific Ocean’s sea snakes, also known as coral reef snakes, are long and colorful. They are one of the world’s most venomous snakes because their bites, though often painless, can be ...
All sorts of animals use camouflage to hide from predators ... This scorpion spider crab has stuck bits of living things such as sea sponges to its spikes. These sea sponges grow to cover the ...
Stellers are the largest of all sea lions and they have an appetite to ... identifying their own offspring by touch and scent. These animals are social and also gather at various times throughout ...
Whether you’re a lover of all sea animals or prefer them as weapon-wielding, pizza-eating ninjas, here are some interesting facts about the water-dwelling reptiles that might surprise you.