The other is the Barret Missing Score Ultimate weapon. Finally, you can dress Aerith in the Loveless Songstress dress in FFVII Ever Crisis. The Gambanteinn is designed to help Aerith support and ...
When prompted, select Aerith and Barrett on the left. Aerith, Tifa, or Yuffie can play the part of Rosa in Loveless. The role ultimately goes to whoever has the highest level relationship with ...
First, here is the official announcement trailer going over the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth event coming to FFVII Ever Crisis and showing the Loveless performance and Aerith, Barret, and Yuffie gear.
Break a leg in the brand-new LOVELESS chapter, which introduces new gear for Aerith, Yuffie and Barrett, and a new Wallpaper for the in-game homescreen. During the event, players can also enjoy a ...