Every family has a rotten relative, a black sheep, the one relation you avoid above all others. Even Adolf Hitler.
In January 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor close ChancellorThe leader in the Reichstag, appointed by the German President. of Germany. He led the right-wing Nationalist Socialist German ...
Adolf Hitler was born of a lusty father past his ... with a plaque stating that there the martyred Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss had done his military service. At the town’s edge rushes the ...
For once not Adolf Hitler, but Vice Chancellor von Papen and Minister Hugenberg, were the chief objects of attack. At each mention of their names the crowd joined in one great cry that echoed ...
the 56-year-old political operative seemed on the verge of becoming what he calls “Volkskanzler” — or “Chancellor of the People,” a title once embraced by Adolf Hitler. His promotion of ...
The future leader of the Nazis, Adolf Hitler, as chair of what was then the modest, smaller-scale National Socialist German ...
For Hitler, the blame was on Jews, they represented everything that was wrong with Germany. They held the finance capitalism, and the country was struggling; Karl Marx was a German Jew and the one who ...