Dermatologists are here to help with that last issue. A key trick to finding the cause of acne, they said, is noting where ...
Anecdotal advice from Chinese face mapping links acne occurring around the mouth to the colon and stomach. Such advice suggests that having a stomach ulcer or eating foods that are uncooked or ...
Spots around the mouth are common – but what causes them? And how you know when it’s perioral dermatitis? A consultant dermatologist explains all… Spots can crop up anywhere on your face but ...
Perioral dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease presenting as tiny papules or pustules localized around the mouth, nose, or eyes. It is often confused with acne vulgaris, rosacea ...
In the word “perioral,” “peri” means “around" and “oral” refers to the mouth. Perioral dermatitis resembles acne and is often mistaken for it. But the two are not the same ...
Contact dermatitis presents as a red, scaly, and crusted dermatitis that occurs around the mouth due to allergies ... patch testing (Greaves, 1998). Acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis do ...