He bought a Quick Charge power bank and then hacked a Digispark to negotiate with the power bank to provide 12V output to Quick ... at version 4 and supports USB-C and USB-PD hardware such as ...
Most modern cars offer at least two ways to charge up a smartphone, in the form of a 12V lighter socket and a USB port. The latter could be more convenient for many, as it uses the same cable you ...
A quick look at the SMDs shows that the user has attached six R002 (0.002 Ohms) shunt resistors across each 12V cable. The inclusion of a USB port at the backside of the PCB means the readings are ...
But the radio in question needs 12 volts, so the key was to find a USB-C cable with the built-in electronics to negotiate the right amount of power from USB-PD devices. For this one, [jephthai ...
Instead of the old three PCIe 8-pin connectors, it now uses a single 12V-2x6 connector. This switch is based on solid engineering logic—it cuts down on cable mess and helps keep the inside of ...