Illustrating that there is no such thing as immunity from phishing, the founder of the Have I Been Pwned? website admits to ...
Hunt says he was jet lagged and tired when he read an email that appeared to come from Mailchimp, the service he uses for his ...
Cybersecurity expert Troy Hunt fell for a phishing scam. His story reveals why even strong 2FA methods like authenticator ...
Infosec veteran Troy Hunt of HaveIBeenPwned fame is notifying thousands of people after phishers scooped up his Mailchimp ...
Even smart, knowledgeable experts can fall for phishing attacks. Here’s what happened, and how you can avoid the same fate.
Security expert Troy Hunt falls victim to a sophisticated phishing attack while tired, exposing 16,000 email addresses from his Mailchimp subscriber list.
HaveIBeenPwned is a website that allows users to check whether their data has been involved in data breaches. The website’s ...
Key members of Hellcat ransomware group identified, controversy around CrushFTP flaw CVE, NYU website hacked and defaced.
The operator of Have I Been Pwned was himself the victim of a phishing attack. The emails from the newsletter mailing list ...
After years of providing breach notifications and useful advice about how to avoid getting hacked, Have I Been Pwned operator ...