When Texas legalized hemp in 2019, it inadvertently approved the sale of hemp-derived consumable products with up to 0.3% THC ...
The Texas Senate passed the hemp ban backed by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. If passed by the House, SB 3 would ban nearly all forms ...
Senate Bill 3, authored by Sen. Charles Perry, bans Delta 8, Delta 9, and all other forms of intoxicating THC, including ...
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick held a press conference on Wednesday to discuss his passionate support of Senate Bill 3, which would ban ...
The Texas House will vote on an alternative, which would impose stricter oversight and licensing requirements for the hemp ...
Senate Bill 3, a priority item for Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, now heads to the Texas House for consideration. It passed the Texas ...
The Texas Senate on Wednesday passed a state ban on all forms of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, advancing a priority of Lt.
A total ban on hemp-derived THC products championed by one of Texas’s most powerful politicians has passed the state Senate.
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick wants to ban all THC products in Texas, including the popular Delta-8 and Delta-9 products sold over ...
The Texas Senate passes a bill to heavily restrict THC products, aligning with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick's priority to limit the ...
The Texas Senate recently passed Senate Bill 3 and moved one step closer to making it a Texas law. Originally filed on ...
On Wednesday, the Texas Senate passed a bill that would ban THC products from being sold in the state. The bill now moves to ...